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The Creative Leadership Maturity Model
Guest Speaker
Adam Morgan, Senior Director of Brand and Creative at Splunk

Adam Morgan is an Executive Brand and Creative Leader named to AdWeek’s “Creative 100” — the top inspiring creative minds in marketing, media, and culture in the world. He’s the author of the book, Sorry Spock, Emotions Drive Business, which proves the value of creativity and design with hard science. He’s a keynote speaker at conferences and events on the topics of creative leadership and content creation.

Currently, Adam is the Senior Director of Brand and Creative at Splunk — leading brand strategy and campaigns as well as all creative content and design systems. You can learn more about his book and speaking topics at

Make creativity part of every decision — especially the business ones

Adam Morgan spends this episode of Real Creative Leadership breaking down his five-level creative leadership maturity model, a system designed to help creative leaders at every stage of their career find new ways to engage with their work and spark creative innovation in every aspect of their business. With decades of experience, Adam explores why creative leaders should be helping lead organizations in more than just their own department, and how a fresh perspective can transform not only design and copy, but budgets and company mission statements, too.

Adam Morgan
Creative Leader and RCL Host
The Stoke Group
Digital Marketing and Full-Service Content Agency

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